Me and the boys went the other night. It was raining. We caught the city bus and rode all the way through Eastbridge Tunnel. Sad Mary was already on top; she gave me one of her dead lilies.
I love the tunnel – so dark, so gloomy. There are no eyes in its darkness; I can relax there. Only there does the voice leave me alone.
I got hung up for a bit watching this Skinner kid carefully eat a sticky bun he'd been given. He was eating it so slowly, so passionately that I could almost taste it myself. I touched him and got that lightheaded feeling I always do when I touch kids. It didn't take long before I found what I was looking for. The taste of that bun flowed across my tongue. The sugar, the pecans, the cinnamon: pure delight. I got a rush from it, sitting there, my arm snaking through the window of the bus, my hand right inside the kid's head. Mary had to shake a rush off me; otherwise I probably would've fallen of the bus.
"Wraith: The Storytelling Game of Death and Damnation", promotional leaflet, Dragon Magazine 2007, July 1994
niedziela, 13 stycznia 2008
wtorek, 1 stycznia 2008
Nienawiść totalna
Kiedy nienawidzimy prawdziwie jesteśmy bezkrytyczni zarówno względem nas samych, jak względem tego, czego nienawidzimy, albowiem być krytycznym to umieć różnicować, a nienawiść odbiera nam wszelką zdolność do różnicowania. Przeciwstawia naszą totalną i bezwarunkową słuszność równie totalnej, bezwarunkowej i nieuleczalnej nikczemności innych.
Cytat z Leszka Kołakowskiego w artykule Adama Michnika "Mowa pogrzebowa nad grobem IV Rzeczpospolitej", Gazeta Wyborcza na Nowy Rok 2008
Cytat z Leszka Kołakowskiego w artykule Adama Michnika "Mowa pogrzebowa nad grobem IV Rzeczpospolitej", Gazeta Wyborcza na Nowy Rok 2008
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