czwartek, 7 lutego 2013

Mieszanie gatunków gier a sztuka gotowania

From the outset, GURPS Screampunk was intended to be an unholy mixture of gothic horror and steampunk. Mixing genres has a lot in common with cooking; when it works, the results look spectacular and taste great! When it doesn't, you can add more spices and turn it into a curry ("What if we added characters from childrens' TV series?"), and if it fails spectacularly then there's always the option of calling out for a pizza (in gaming terms, this probably means playing Star Trek instead). To string the metaphor out, if the mix works, then the individual "taste" of each of the ingredients is detectable in the results, and they subtly enhance each other, creating a much more exotic dish than either alone.

Okładka GURPS Screampunk

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Jo Ramsay "Designer's Notes: GURPS Screampunk", July 27, 2001

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